Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fresh Road

Even though we don't need more roads or cars, I do like fresh bitumen. The council have just installed new speed humps in my street to slow some motherfuckers down.

Shot on 120 iso 400 with a TLR.

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Nick and Lieu: Friends of Winter

People really don't focus on the pluses of winter. Some refuse to acknowledge them altogether. I love the softer light of the season and how it makes people behave differently. In a city like Melbourne, winter makes us appreciate spring and summer. Plus, don't you think it's nice to dress up without getting hot?

Lieu and Nick at my house. The chill of a Melbourne winter etched onto their dour faces. Are they about to tuck into borscht, made the old way with vodka or are they about to dispense with the beets and just have the vodka?

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Monday, November 2, 2009

Game Face

My little brothers playing Halo: ODST on Xbox. Apart from spending time with their children, this is our favourite thing to do when we hang out. I'm sad that I'm so far away from them.

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